DOWNLOAD Letter Documents:
Letter to Minister for Local Government
The Hon Gabrielle Upton MP
Letter attachments
Annexure 1. Council acceptance of liability
for raising flood levels.
Annexure 2. Censored
and uncensored versions of
those warnings by Council.
Annexure 3. Ministerial
and Public Works warnings.
Annexure 4. Admission of bond held for Ocean outfall and necessity
of bridge across canal instead of a bund.
Annexure 5. Admission that levee
around Golden Beach built by
Council will raise floodwaters elsewhere.
Annexure 6. Warning from
PWD that if outlet blocked it will raise flood levels by 1.5 metres
behind blockage.
Annexure 7. Admission that with outfall in place, dredging
of sand build up in Marshalls Creek, the flood
levels will be significantly reduced. Note consultants
own handwriting.
Annexure 8. Floodplain Plan adopted
by Council consultants denies reductions can be achieved despite
his previous hand written notes.
Annexure 9. Major outlet
closed at Wooyung directing floodwaters
south through Ocean Shores.
Letters seeking
assistance June 2013.
Don Page asks the Regional Director,
North Coast Dept Premier & Cabinet Mr Mike Pearce to make contact.
Email to Michael Pearce via
Don Page office Feb 2, 2014.
Letter from Sarah
Lees NSW Office of Local Government April 1, 2014.
the river system back to life!
and Photo FACTS
compiled by
Jim Mangleson
Foundation Community Representative of the
Marshall's Creek Flood Plain Management Committee
FACTS Researched by
Frank Mills OAM
Former Chairman of OSCA Inc.
Committee Representative for BV Historical Society
Representative on the Abi Group - Member of the Heritage Management
Definition of TRUTH: (Pocket Macquarie Dictionary)
something which is true or actual: to tell the truth.
2. agreement with fact or reality: the truth of a statement
3. an indisputable fact, principle, etc: mathematical truths
4. genuiness, reality, or actual existence.
5. honesty or integrity.
6. in truth, in fact, in reality; truly.